Daylight Savings time changes can play havoc with our schedules, but it can be especially confusing for our pets who don’t have the ability to change the time on their watch or add an extra shot of espresso to their morning drink.
Dogs’ and cats’ internal clocks are run by the rising and setting of the sun, although our flip of a light switch has an influence as well. When we suddenly shift feeding times and potty break schedules by an hour, it can be rough on our four-legged friends. Many cats and dogs can adjust with little or no signs of stress, but for some, it could lead to accidents in the house or even an upset stomach.
To prevent a sudden change, take a few days to gradually change your pet’s feeding and walking schedule by 15 minutes a day rather than 1 hour all at once. During this transition, add several extra minutes to your dog’s daily walks to allow extra time for them to fully empty their bladder and bowels as they get used to a shift in their potty break schedule.
If your pet is on medications, consult with your veterinarian to determine how or if you should adjust the scheduled time of administration.
Don’t forget to change your clocks this weekend!