Locally-Owned in Oakdale and St. Paul, Minnesota


What to Do if Your Pet Ingests a Battery

If you know or strongly suspect your pet ingested a foreign body that is causing illness, this is considered an “ORANGE” – or urgent case – on our Fast Track Triage system. We recommend having your pet see your family veterinarian or local animal emergency hospital within the next 12 hours. Please call ahead of your arrival so the veterinary team knows to expect you! Note that a foreign

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Lymphoma in Pets

Lymphoma is a very common cancer in dogs and cats. It is caused by uncontrolled growth of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell. Since these blood cells can easily travel through the blood or lymphatic system, it is very common for this cancer to affect multiple sites in the body. While it can affect any dog or cat, it is more common in certain breeds of dogs (such

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Day of the Dead with Pets

Día de los Muertos, or The Day of the Dead, is a beautiful tradition of celebrating the lives of loved ones who have passed. It’s a time for family and reflection, which is why many celebrate with vibrant altar displays. Because this is an important holiday to so many, we want to remind pet parents of a few potential pet hazards.   1. Altar Decorations  The ofrenda, or altar, is

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5 Common Diwali Pet Dangers

Diwali, the vibrant festival of lights, is a time of celebration and togetherness. However, it also brings potential risks for our pets. To help keep your furry friends safe during the festivities, here are some essential tips for a pet-friendly Diwali! 1. Open Flames  Traditional Diwali decorations often involve diyas and candles. While these bring a warm glow, they can pose a fire hazard if a curious pet knocks

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Trick-or-Treating Safety Tips with Dogs

As Halloween approaches, families everywhere are gearing up for spooky fun, including Trick-or-Treating. While the safest bet for pets is keeping them cozy at home, we know some families want to bring their dogs along for the adventure. But beware! It’s essential to keep your dog’s comfort and safety in mind amid the excitement. If you dare to take your dog out on your Trick-or-Treating journey, stay alert for

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Halloween Safety Tips for Cats

In October of 2024, Joey Lusvardi, owner of Class Act Cats and member of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, joined us on Facebook Live to discuss how cat parents can help keep their cats safe this upcoming holiday season. You can watch the Facebook Live video for more detailed information, or you can review a summary of the information below.  The holidays pose many potential hazards for

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Sukkot Pet Dangers

As families prepare to welcome the harvest festival, it’s important to keep pets safe this Sukkot! One of the best ways to do this is to keep pets out of your sukkah, because the enclosed space can have a number of potential hazards including decorations and food. Read on for more tips on how to keep your pets safe! Challah  Making challah? Always keep pets out of the kitchen

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Common Navratri Pet Dangers

This vibrant season of Navratri is full of joyful festivities, but it’s important for those who celebrate at home to remember that many decorations and activities can pose risks to our pets. Between loud noises and potential toxins, here’s a list of a few common pet dangers that pet parents should beware of. Flowers  If you are decorating your home with flowers or garlands, double-check ASPCA’s Toxic vs. Non-Toxic

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Rosh Hashanah Pet Dangers

As families and friends come together to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, it’s crucial for pet parents to be aware of the potential dangers the holiday can pose to their pets. From toxic festive foods to other decorating hazards, there are several risks to consider if you’re hosting. To help ensure a safe, sweet, and stress-free celebration for everyone, here’s a guide on keeping your pets safe this Rosh Hashanah. Food 

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Pneumonia in Pets

If your pet is having difficulty breathing, this is considered a “RED” – or true emergency – on our Fast Track Triage system. We advise you to seek immediate veterinary care. Please call ahead of your arrival so the veterinary team knows to expect you! Remove any neck collars or facial restrictions such as muzzles. If your pet is having difficulty breathing caused by heat, learn more here. Seek

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